For its Fringe events, Jakarta International Photo Festival (JIPFest) presents 17 events organized by different communities across Indonesia with various formats, from discussions to workshops to exhibitions to photo book launches. Events are located in seven different venues and all are open for free, but we recommend visitors to register themselves or arrive early due to limited space capacity. For more info, please contact us at or +62856-9646-8465 (Rakhma)

Exhibition: Narration of Growth
This exhibition presents Tubagus (Bagus) Rachmat’s documentation during his tenure for more than a decade as a counselor for the urban poor. He recorded the story of people’s struggles in fighting for their rights to the city, the rights to grow and the rights to live a decent and dignified life. This exhibition is held by the Urban Poor Consortium in collaboration with the Rujak Center for Urban Studies.

Schedule: 25 June-9 July, 09:00-19:00 (Monday-Friday); 10:00-17:00 (Saturday-Sunday)
Venue: Rujak Center for Urban Studies
Curator: Yusni Aziz & Yoppy Pieter (Heterogenic)

Amalia: +62 877-3402-3012

Cyrille Cartier, Zagreb

Workshop: Gender & Photojournalism/Journalism: Improving the Way We View, Process & Make Stories
The workshop is on gender-sensitive reporting and how gender can be treated when you are just thinking about story ideas, doing work on a story, or when you are viewing-watching-reading and listening to media stories. Participants will analyze images and stories from the media and discuss what effects they have on our understanding of our own gender and even our worldview. This workshop is delivered in English and limited to 20 participants.

Schedule: Wednesday, 26 June, 10:00-18:00
Venue: CoHive D.Lab
Mentor: Cyrille Cartier, co-founder Živi Atelje DK Croatia, coordinator of No Borders projects and Women to Women collective

Rakhma: +62856-9646-8465

Exhibition: Kelas Pagi Jakarta X Anton Ismael
The exhibition features archives and works created by Kelas Pagi Jakarta (Jakarta Morning Class) and its founder, Anton Ismael. Through photographs, videos, diaries, and posters, the exhibition invites public to learn about Kelas Pagi Jakarta’s endeavor in the field of photography education in the last five years.

Schedule: 26 June-3 July, 10:00-17:00
Venue: CoHive Filateli

Dio Rachmad: +62821-4189-3348

Kelas Pagi Jakarta

Discussion: Idealism vs. Commercialism
This discussion will talk about photographers’ survival strategies as well as tips to compete in the contemporary photography industry. In today’s competitive realm, how crucial is technical skill for a photographer? This event is organized by Kelas Pagi Jakarta (Jakarta Morning Class).

Schedule: Wednesday, 26 June, 19:00-20:30
Venue: CoHive Filateli
Panelists: Ifan Hartanto & Shakti Shidarta
Moderator: Anton Ismael

Dio Rachmad: +62821-4189-3348

Discussion: The Photographers’ Guide to Making Prints
Gary Lilardi, Marketing Director of Ekta Imaging, will share his insight on various printing machines, printing processes, and ways to increase the value of photographs through various display format. This is an opportunity for photographers of all levels to understand the workflow of photo-to-prints.

Schedule: Thursday, 27 June, 13:00-14:30
Venue: CoHive D.Lab

Rakhma: +62856-9646-8465

Discussion: Autonomy in the Disrupted Era
In 2018, ENKLAF developed an e-commerce platform where public can access in depth and authoritative works from credible and dedicated storytellers. Through this ecosystem, public can also give support to storytellers in order to enable them working sustainably. This Fringe will feature discussion, Q&A session and the launch of ENKLAF website. As a movement, ENKLAF welcomes collaboration with any party.

Schedule: Thursday, 27 June, 16:00-17:30
Venue: CoHive D.Lab

Adrianus: +6281-21948-0093

SkolMus, Kupang

Photo Book Launch: Afterthought
Afterthought contains photo projects created by participants of the 7th photo class by SkolMus, a social entrepreneur community in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. It is the first photo book by SkolMus since the community was founded in 2011. In addition to the launch event, they will present several books created by SkolMus community.

Schedule: Friday, 28 June, 14:00-15:30
Venue: Galeri Indonesia Kaya

Armin: +62812-3998-5907

Photo Book Launch: De-/Rekontekstualisasi Panggilan Terbuka
SOKONG! Volume 01 is a photo created from an abstraction of nine digital publications published in 2018 by SOKONG!, a multiplatform photo publication collective in Yogyakarta. In this project, Kurniadi Widodo is involved as a guest editor to do a de/recontextualization of 374 photos by 81 participants from various regions in Indonesia who were selected through an open call process.

Schedule: Friday, 28 June, 19:00-20:30
Venue: Goethe-Institut Jakarta
Panelists: Kurniadi Widodo & member of SOKONG!

Kurnia: +62812-1916-9008

Workshop: Food Photography with Himawan Sutanto
In this workshop, participants will learn various techniques and tools used by professional photographers and food stylists in creating beautiful food images. This event is organized by The Study Program of Photography Trisakti University and mentored by Himawan Sutanto, who has an extensive experience in photographing restaurants, hotel and celebrity chefs. This workshop is limited to 25 participants.

Schedule: Saturday, 29 June, 10:00-13:00
Venue: Jakarta Creative Hub

Maria: +6281-1881-577

Discussion: Photo Archiving in Indonesia
This discussion features three speakers who have been archiving photo with three different approaches. Unhistoried is an initiative that focuses on Indonesian family photo archives as an alternative source of history. Riwayat Project (RP) explores Indonesian photo archives from the 1970s, while Indonesian Photography Archive (IPA) traces the history of the development of photography in Indonesia.

Schedule: Saturday, 29 June, 13:00-14:30
Venue: Goethe-Institut Jakarta
Panelists: Arif Furqan, Mamuk Ismuntoro, & Wahyu Dhian

Arif Furqan: +62856-4666-2446

Photo Book Launch: Membaca Ruang Cikapundung
Membaca Ruang Cikapundung (Reading the Ciakpundung Space), a collaborative project by the Red Raws Center, challenged five photographers (Arif Sahroni, Grace Anata, Agung, Maulina, Insan Kamil) to respond the spaces in Cikapundung antique market. Each photographer were given the freedom to use personal perspective in responding one specific floor in the market through photography project.

Schedule: Saturday, 29 June, 18:30-20:o0
Venue: Goethe-Institut Jakarta
Panelists: Baskara Puraga Somantri, Arif Sahroni, Grace Anata, Agung, Maulina, Insan Kamil

Baskara: +62856-2401-0666

Hanifida Photography Community, Jombang

Discussion: From Islamic Boarding Schools for Indonesian Photography
Santri (student of Islamic boarding schools), commonly portrayed as conservative and old fashioned, can actually contribute to the development of photography in Indonesia. Inspired by Indonesian Islamic leader Gus Mus’ advice, “now is not the time for sane people to remain silent and relent,” santri are now using photography as a courteous and soothing preaching medium. This discussion is organized by Hanifida Photography Community from Jombang, East Java.

Schedule: Sunday, 30 June, 11:00-12:30
Venue: Sarinah, Upper Ground

– Mamuk Ismuntoro (Photographer)
– Edy Purnomo (Photographer)
– Luhur Wahyu (Photographer)

Amiq: +62856-4555-7175

Kelas Jurnalis Cilik, Jakarta

Discussion: Kelas Jurnalis Cilik
Based in the north coast of Jakarta, Kelas Jurnalis Cilik (Junior Journalist Class) aims to inspire coastal children to document their surroundings and send messages to the general public. This writing and photography class is developed through the method of Learning by Playing and Image Framing.

Schedule: Sunday, 30 June, 14:00-15:30
Venue: Sarinah, Upper Ground

Syamsudin Ilyas: +62813-1757-9779

Gueari Galeri, Jakarta

Discussion: Therapeutic Photography as Disaster Response for Youth in Pasigala (Palu Sigi Donggala)
A number of teenage victims of the natural disasters in Palu, Donggala and Sigi received psychological assistance in the form of therapeutic photography. In this discussion, the speakers will discuss the results of the psychological counseling as well as the benefits of therapeutic photography as a disaster emergency response.

Schedule: Monday, 1 July, 14:00-15:30
Venue: Jakarta Creative Hub

– Prof. Irwanto, Ph.D., (Psychologist & Professor of the Faculty of Psychology, Atma Jaya University)
– Putri Wulandari (Survivor of PASIGALA-Palu Sigi Donggala)
– Gama Trino (Volunteer of Indonesian Planned Parenthood Association)
– Caron Toshiko (Gueari Gallery)

Andi Ari: +62817-4970-809

Workshop: Self-Love Through Portraiture Photography
The workshop is part of an experiment on how phototherapy works with human psychology. We will conduct an experiment using Arthur Aron’s 36 Questions for Increase Interpersonal Closeness and simple portrait photography as workshop instruments. This workshop is organized by SLIRAKU of Yogyakarta and limited to 20 participants.

Schedule: Tuesday, 2 July, 10:00-18:00
Venue: CoHive D.Lab
Mentors: Agripa Hawi Kaisa, Adinda Bhaqitta

Ana: +62857-2626-4298

Ekspedisi Maritim Timur Nusantara

Discussion: Ekspedisi Maritim Timur Nusantara
Ekspedisi Maritim Timur Nusantara (East Archipelago Maritime Expedition) is a journey to the past which was designed to reintroduce Butonese culture by recording the traces of sea trade routes in the eastern part of Indonesia. The story and point of view of the 2015 expedition team during the 30-day voyage covering 16 islands in Eastern Indonesia was documented in a book, movie and photographs.

Schedule: Tuesday, 2 July, 14:00-15:30
Venue: Galeri Indonesia Kaya

– Veda Santiadji (Marine Program WWF Indonesia)
– Prabhoto Satrio (Photographer)
– Andi Imam Prakasa (Director of Pesan dari Buritan)
– Andi Ari Setiadi (Photographer, Photo Book Designer)

Zainal Fatah: +62812-8600-6622

Discussion: Digging Out the Kampung Narratives
Too often, stories of urban “kampung” (villages) are trapped in the romanticization of poverty, thus strengthening the old stigma attached to the struggles of urban poor. In this discussion, the panelists will share their insight on how to capture and broadcast story of urban poor in interesting angles, while at the same time showing support to the struggle of the urban poor. This discussion is organized by Rujak Center for Urban Studies.

Schedule: 4 July, 11:00-12:30
Venue: Rujak Center for Urban Studies
Panelists: Tubagus Rachmat, Afrizal Mana, Syamsudin Ilyas

Amalia: +62 877-3402-3012