(clockwise, from top left) Sigit Handoko, AikBeng Chia, Deby Sucha, Gathot Subroto

One of the festival’s favorite programs, Urban Photo Tour, returns. This year, there will be four tours guided by experienced mentors: AikBeng Chia, , Deby Sucha. Gathot Subroto, and Sigit Handoko This educational and entertaining program is dedicated to those who wish to learn and enjoy street photography.

During the tour, participants will explore Blok M and its surroundings. Each mentor will then proceed to make a selection of interesting phones from the tours, and present them in Projection Night session at Bulungan Theater.


  • The festival welcomes participants of any nationality, aged 17 years or older 
  • Bring your digital camera of any type (not a mobile phone camera)


Photo by Gathot Subroto

Tour 1: Saturday, 9 September, 07:00-13:00

Mentor: Gathot Subroto 

Fee: IDR 350,000, including lunch

Best photos from the tour will be screened during Projection Night session at Bulungan Theater on 16 September, 19:00-20:00.

Click here to book your ticket 

About the Mentor

Gathot Subroto, popularly known as Gathoe, is a Jakarta-based self-taught photographer. He regularly teaches photography at a number of forums and institutions, guides photo hunting sessions, while working on his visual projects, including the Sanur Kuta Project dan Indonesia dalam Panorama. gathotsubroto.com   

Photo by Sigit Handoko

Tour 2: Sunday, 10 September, 07:00-13:00

Mentor: Sigit Handoko

Fee: IDR 350,000, including lunch

Click here to book your ticket 

Best photos from the tour will be screened during Projection Night session at Bulungan Theater on 16 September, 19:00-20:00.

Sigit Handoko 

Sigit Handoko, better known as Sigit Zero. He has been learning photography since 2005 and now manages the account @streetmoment on Instagram, which mainly displays photos taken at public spaces.

Photo by AikBeng Chia

Tour 3: Saturday, 16 September, 07:00-13:00 

Mentor: AikBeng Chia

Fee: IDR 350,000, including lunch

Click here to book your ticket 

Best photos from the tour will be screened during Projection Night session at Bulungan Theater on 23 September, 19:00-20:00.

AikBeng Chia

AikBeng Chia, popularly known as ABC, is an influential street photographer in Singapore. He has authored two photo books: Tonight the Streets are Ours (2013) and SingKarPor (2015). His works have been exhibited at, among others, the Singapore International Photography Festival, Invisible Photography Asia Gallery, and Philadelphia’s MMS Gallery. aikbengchia.com 

Photo by Deby Sucha

Tour 4: Sunday, 17 September, 07:00-13:00 

Mentor: Deby Sucha

Fee: IDR 350,000, including lunch

Click here to book your ticket 

Best photos from the tour will be screened during Projection Night session at Bulungan Theater on 23 September, 19:00-20:00..

Deby Sucha

Deby Sucha started her career as a documentary photographer in the fashion industry. Since 2013, she has spent much of her time in Tokyo, Japan creating creative content and personal projects, while her work has been featured in several photo exhibitions there. Debby has worked for a number of international clients in the editorial and commercial spheres, such as National Geographic Traveler, Forbes Magazine, Audemars Piguet, Airbnb and Booking.com

For more information, please reach us at program@jipfest.com or +62 856-4306-7397 (Agoes). JIPFest is scheduled for 8-24 September 2023 in Blok M, Jakarta. The festival is supported by the Indonesian Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry; Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Department; Erasmus Huis; and Kurawal Foundation.