JIPFest announces 12 selected participants of the upcoming Photo Critique Workshop. The program is organized in partnership with Erasmus Huis and supported by 1000Kata, Arkademy and Ruang Baca Foto.
The participants are chosen from an open call between 1 – 25 July 2021, in which 58 registrants from 14 provinces within Indonesia and one country outside Indonesia applied to.
The participants will undergo eight virtual workshop classes with mentors Bambang Bujono (Indonesia) and Merel Bem (the Netherlands) between 20 August – 16 September 2021.
After the workshop, the program will challenge each participant to write two photo critiques, and give them an opportunity to publish their writings on three of the program’s publication partners: 1000Kata, Arkademy and Ruang Baca Foto.

Congratulations to all selected participants! Their names and domiciles are listed below in alphabetical order:
- Abdul Aziz, Cilacap
- Aji Susanto Anom, Bantul
- Andry Prasetyo, Solo
- Aziziah Diah Aprilya, Makassar
- Beawiharta, Tangerang Selatan
- Dea Ratna, Bekasi
- Dini Adanurani, Jakarta
- Istifadah Nurahma, Bantul
- Kurnia Yaumil Fajar, Yogyakarta
- Radityo Widiatmojo, Malang
- Ruli Amrullah, Palembang
- Yogi Ardhi, Bandung