JIPFest 2022 features five Artist Talks, all sessions take place on weekends at Bulungan Theater. To ensure the sustainability of the festival, starting this year JIPFest charges a ticketing fee for some of the talk shows.

SATURDAY, 10 SEPTEMBER, 13:00-14:30
This session will be conducted in bahasa Indonesia. Click here to book your free seat.
Family to Nation by Arif Furqan
Utilizing domestic archives of Indonesian families, Family to Nation activates the peripheral narrative of Indonesia as a nation. This curatorial project simulates the space to access these personal documentations, and to provide an opportunity for today’s generation to rethink (historical) narrative created by ordinary civilians.
Arif Furqan
Arif is a lecturer, researcher, and photographer. He is part of the Flock Project, a collective which explores the possibilities of photographic works through printed matters. In 2021, he received the Prince Claus Seed Award for his project, Unhistoried, an archive-based project on Indonesian family photographs.
The Queen Unleashed by Meidiana Tahir
The Queen Unleashed tells the story of Dania, a transwoman who went through an emotionally abusive environment, then came out as an actualized and proud self.
Meidiana Tahir
Meidiana, a Jakarta-based photographer, seeks to bring compelling visual narratives through her honest, one-of-a-kind perspective. Fueled by her academic background in politics and unlimited passion for photography, she generates those values as a cathartic medium in expressing her occasionally tangled and loud thoughts.

SUNDAY, 11 SEPTEMBER, 13:00-14:30
This session will be conducted in English. Click here to book your free seat.
Documentary Photography as A Social Critique by Nick Hannes
Nick uses irony and visual metaphors in formulating a critique of our neoliberal consumer society. In this talk, he will give an overview of his photographic practice through his book projects on the former Soviet Union, the Mediterranean Sea and Dubai. In addition, he will show a preview of his work-in-progress ‘New Capitals.’
Nick Hannes
After eight years of working as a photojournalist, Nick Hannes decided to fully concentrate on long-term documentary projects. His series ‘Garden of Delight’ was awarded the Magnum Photography Award 2017. He has published four books: Red Journey, The Continuity of Man, Garden of Delight, and An Unexpected Lesson in Joy.

SATURDAY, 17 SEPTEMBER, 13:00-14:30
This session will be conducted in English. Click here to book your free seat.
People of Clay by Akshay Mahajan
In People of Clay, Akshaytraveled to Assam, India, where the Brahmaputra bends. Using local songs as a map, he sculpts a new, amorphous personal identity in an attempt to capture how folklore transcends boundaries of genres and geography, remaining hidden between memory, tradition and everyday life.
Akshay Mahajan
Mahajanis an artist from Goa, whose endeavors focus on social documentary. His professional engagement with the visual arts also takes shape through writing, teaching and curation. In 2008, he co-founded Blindboys.org. Mahajanis also a member of the photo editorial at PIX Quarterly and curator at Goa Photo and Serendipity Arts Festival.

SUNDAY, 18 SEPTEMBER, 13:00-14:30
This session will be conducted in bahasa Indonesia. Click here to book your free seat.
Land of the Sea by Irene Barlian
In Land of the Sea, Irene Barlian documents the impact of climate change along the northern coast of Java Island. It focuses on conveying the narrative from the perspective of women and exploring the concept of local wisdom in mitigating the environmental issues.
Irene Barlian
Irene, a Jakarta-based independent documentary photographer, focuses on social, environmental, cultural, and women’s stories. Her works have been published by The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and Vice, and exhibited in group shows in the US, France, Germany, Switzerland, and Greece.
Tricky by Riska Munawarah
Riska, born and lives in Aceh, finds the pleasure of photographing spontaneous daily episodes that she experiences and witnesses. In Tricky, she shows how the locals deploy stratagems in the face of Islamic sharia and local culture.
Riska Munawarah
Riska is a documentary photographer from Aceh. Her works have been exhibited at a number of exhibitions and festivals, including Tanah Retak by PFI Aceh and Solo Photo Festival. In 2019, she participated in Permata Photojournalist Grant, followed by Balik Layar Mentorship 2021-2022.

SATURDAY, 24 SEPTEMBER, 13:00-14:30
This session will be conducted in bahasa Indonesia. Click here to book your free seat.
Lensa Anak Terminal by Setyo Manggala Utama & Collaborators
During the Covid pandemic, when most schools shifted to online learning, children who live around the Depok Bus Station were struggling to adapt with the changes as proper gadgets or adequate internet access were too expensive. In response, Setyo initiated Lensa Anak Terminal, a community that teaches creative visual learning to help children actualize themselves through photography and other creative learnings.
Setyo Manggala Utama
Setyo is a social researcher, photographer, and founder of Lensa Anak Terminal, a learning community that aims to emancipate children around Depok Terminal through visual creative arts. Lensa Anak Terminal also tries to raise public awareness on children’s right to education.
For more information, please reach us at program@jipfest.com or +62 813-1038-7844 (Bulan)
JIPFest is scheduled for 9-25 September 2022 in Blok M, Jakarta. The festival is supported by the Indonesian Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry and Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Department.