JIPFest 2023 features six Discussions; all sessions take place on weekends at Bulungan Theater. To ensure the sustainability of the festival, starting this year JIPFest requires audience to book Talk Show Pass to attend.
Generation: JIPFest 2023 Curatorial Discussion
Generation, the theme of JIPFest 2023, explores issues surrounding generations, along with their dynamics and consequences. Using this theme, the curatorial team has selected 24 photo and multimedia projects from 13 countries to be exhibited at the festival. What are the issues and discourses mapped out by the curatorial team, and what is the presentation concept?
Asep Topan
Asep, a curator and educator, graduated from the master’s program in Curatorship at Bandung Institute of Technology. For the last 10 years, he has served as a lecturer at the Jakarta Institute of the Arts. He was part of the curatorial team at Jakarta Biennale 2015, where he went on to be Vice Director (2016-18), and held the position of curator at Museum MACAN (2018-21). aseptopan.com
Ng Swan Ti
Swan Ti, Managing Director of PannaFoto Institute, has been involved in various photography initiatives as curator or mentor, including the Vision 20/20: Community exhibition (Jakopič Gallery, 2020), Erratic Dream (PhMuseum, 2021), Tracing Inherited History (Hong Kong International Photo Festival, 2021) and Objectifs Documentary Award 2023. pannafoto.org
Moderator: Rizqi Qadarsyah
Rizqi, a photography student at ISI Surakarta, has an interest in art history, curatorial, art critics, and archiving. He has served as Program Director of the Solo Photo Festival, as well as being a curator at a number of exhibitions, including Lesser Sunda by Eureka R’bee MD, Batas by Perbanas Institute, and Besment by Rafli Alif Putra. @rizqiboo
This session will be conducted in bahasa Indonesia. Click here to book your Talk Show Pass.
Collecting Photography
Relatively more affordable than paintings or sculptures, photos have gained interest among novice collectors. On the other hand, the supply in this niche field is more limited, and this “scarcity” gives photography market its own appeal. What should we understand before collecting photos, and where to begin? For photographers, what is the current marketplace like?
Andy Dewantoro
Andy is a visual artist and Artistic Director of Ruang Dini. His works have been exhibited in several countries, including South Korea, Hong Kong and England. He has held a number of solo exhibitions, including Half Full Half Empty (2011, Kuala Lumpur); Empty-space-landscapes (2010, Semarang), and Silent World (2008, Jakarta). galeriruangdini.com
Windi Salomo
Since 2005, Windi has initiated and produced many art exhibitions and projects, including Locafore – art, design & jazz festival (Bandung) and Kota Tua Creative Festival (Jakarta). She co-founded Ark Galerie and Dia.lo.gue Artspace, and holds the curator position at ARTOTEL Group and runs SAL Project art space. @windisalomo
Evelyn Halim
In the last five years, Evelyn has been collecting contemporary art in various media, including photography, video, VR, and installation. Her collection is deeply influenced by the books she reads and she makes it a point to buy at least one work based on the book that she finishes reading. In 2022, she served as one of the judges of Bandung Contemporary Art Awards 7.
Moderator: Dian Ina Mahendra
Ina, Head of Exhibitions at the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Nusantara (Museum MACAN), has a background in international politics with a special interest toward cultural identity. Prior to joining Museum MACAN, she managed visual art programs for Salihara Art Center. She is an Asian Cultural Council fellow (2013-2014) with extensive experiences in the management of visual art institutions, non-profit organizations, community building, and organizing community participations. @kemiri
This session will be conducted in bahasa Indonesia. Click here to book your Talk Show Pass.
Youth & Movement: Indonesia’s Reformation After 25 Years
Youth played a monumental role in the birth of Reformation era in 1998 in Indonesia. After a quarter of a century, what can we learn from their role in driving change? And, as now Gen-Z and millennial are the most dominant cohort in society, what role can they take to pursue the ideals of Reformation?
Erik Prasetya
Erik, dubbed the pioneer of street photography in Indonesia, was once listed in the 20 Most Influential Asian Photographers by the Invisible Photographer Asia. He was born in Padang, West Sumatra. Since 2010, he has produced five photo books, including the Eros & Reformasi which depicts the story of Indonesian youths in overthrowing Soeharto. @banalaesthetic
Evi Mariani
Evi is the founder and Executive Director of Project Multatuli. Previously, from 2018 to January 2021, she served as Managing Editor at The Jakarta Post. Alongside several journalists from other media, she received the Excellence in Public Service Journalism Award from the Society of Publishers in Asia (SOPA) in 2020 and the Tasrif Award 2020 from the Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI) for her collaborative work #NamaBaikKampus. projectmultatuli.org
Virliya Putricantika
Virli, an alumni of Permata Photojournalist Grant, started her career as a photojournalist in 2021 at BandungBergerak.id, an online media in Bandung. Pursuing journalistic photography since her university days, she is interested in social issues, especially gender, diversity and human rights. Currently, she is also involved in sharing experiences with young people and several communities in Bandung to tell stories through photos. @virliyap
Moderator: Joan Aurelia Rumengan
Joan Aurelia is a journalist. She is involved in programs and rubrics on popular culture, social, politics and women. In her spare time, she maintains the Restofworld.org blog. She is also a contributor to international portals, including New Naratif and BBC World Service. @joanrumengan
This session will be conducted in bahasa Indonesia. Click here to book your Talk Show Pass.
Photo Book Design: Exploration & Experimentation
Not merely corresponding to the book contents, design plays a vital role in shaping readers’ experience in enjoying books. From the layout style, cover concept, typography selection, paper type, to the binding method—all of these elements are melted together and become an integral part of the book’s narrative. How is photo book design growing in Indonesia?
Jordan Marzuki
Jordan, a graphic designer and the founder of Jordan, jordan Édition publishing house, studied visual communications at the Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst in Basel. Through his work, he won the 2010 Type’s Director’s Club award, the 2017 Indonesian Graphic Design Award, and the 2021 Photobook of the Year from the Paris Photo–Aperture Foundation Photobook Awards. jordanjordan.co
Andi Ari Setiadi
In 2014, after working as a graphic designer and photographer at Arga Calista Design and the Antara Gallery of Photo Journalism, Andi Ari co-founded the Gueari Galeri, a publishing platform and a photo book gallery in Jakarta. He has published various titles, including Dot Pixel; Indonesia, a Surprise; Indonesia (a World of Treasures); and Flashback. @guearigaleri
Aditya Pratama
Adit is the founder and manager of Unobtainium Photobooks, a bookstore that focuses on photography books and actively participates in book fairs and photo festivals in Indonesia and abroad, including the Photobook JP Book Fair in Yokohama, the Singapore International Photography Festival, and the Jakarta Art Book Fair. unobtainium.store
Moderator: Tasya Bintang
Tasya is a freelance lifestyle photographer and graphic designer who studied visual communications design. She was involved in several photo book productions, and had experience as a producer and copywriter in an agency. tasyabintang.com
This session will be conducted in bahasa Indonesia. Click here to book your Talk Show Pass.
Youth Voices: Democracy Today
Democracy is often seen as an abstract concept that only concerns the state, politicians, activists and certain circles. In fact, democracy is a principle that is important in our daily lives. What is the interpretation of Generation Z—the group that now dominates the population of Indonesia—of democracy in Indonesia today?
Alfian Romli
Romli, a Lombok-based young photographer, is currently studying Communication Science minoring in Journalism at the University of Mataram (UNRAM). He started to get to know photography in 2017, when he managed the photography community at the UNRAM Communication Science Student Association (HIMIKOM).
Deti Permatasari
Deti, a student of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka (UHAMKA), became acquainted with photography when she was in high school, and accommodated her interest by joining UKM I-Fotografi UHAMKA. For her, photography is a medium for telling stories, sharing moments, information, as well as worries.
Dini Putri Rahmayanti
Dini, a Communication Science student at the Indonesia University of Education, has work experience and a strong interest in journalism, photography, writing and creative social media. Her biggest achievement is being able to realize her hopes when she was still in vocational high school to become a journalist, even though she still has limited abilities and knowledge at this time.
Vickram Sombu
Vickram, a Kupang-based photographer, is currently affiliated with the Kupang Film Community while pursuing a career as a photographer and filmmaker. His interest in the medium of photography and film, as well as social, artistic and cultural issues then led him to be selected as one of the participants in the Permata Youth Photostory 2022: JOURNEY photography workshop and exhibition in Jakarta.
Moderator: Charlene Kayla Roeslie
Charlene, Program Officer of PannaFoto Institute, has an interest in media, gender, identity and literacy issues. Previously, she worked as a full-time journalist. She is also active in the HopeHelps Network.
This session will be conducted in bahasa Indonesia. Click here to book your Talk Show Pass.
AI & The Future of Photography
A threat or simply a tool? AI is dividing opinions globally, including in photography. A number of photographers and visual artists have been experimenting with AI. Some feel hesitant, allergic, even adamantly refuse: AI photos are not photographic works! Apart from the pros and cons, there are other issues to address: copyright, ethics, regulations. How far will AI transform photography?
Mamuk Ismuntoro
Mamuk, a freelance photojournalist, has worked for Radar Surabaya, Mossaik Magazine, Surabaya Post, and Indonesia Inside. He now teaches photojournalism for university students, manages the Matanesia platform, and writes a photography column for Kompas Daily. His photo book, Tanah Yang Hilang, published by the PannaFoto Institute in 2014. @mamukofficial
Nurulita Adriani Rahayu
Apart from working as a commercial photographer, Nurulita actively teaches photography. She was a guest photographer at the Asia’s Next Top Model in Kuala Lumpur, the official photographer for the publication of the 2018 Asian Games, as well as the exclusive photographer for the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism for the publication of Indonesia’s 10 Priority Destinations. nurulita.com
Alfons Tanujaya
Alfons, a tech enthusiast, is the founder and director of Vaksincom. He teaches at Prasetya Mulya Business School, and is a frequent speaker at various technology seminars and workshops. He is also a contributor to the ID Institute technology observer as well as several IT portals and magazines. @alfonstan
Moderator: Peksi Cahyo
Peksi, a former photo editor at Tabloid Bola, has covered various major sporting events, including the 2008 Euro Cup, 2010 World Cup and MotoGP. In the past four years, he has worked independently for commercial and editorial projects. Peksi is a member of 1000Kata and the co-founder of the Dalkotloop community. peksicahyo.id
This session will be conducted in bahasa Indonesia. Click here to book your Talk Show Pass.
For more information, please reach us at program@jipfest.com or +62 813-1038-7844 (Bulan). JIPFest is scheduled for 8-24 September 2023 in Blok M, Jakarta. The festival is supported by the Indonesian Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry; Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Department; Erasmus Huis; and Kurawal Foundation.