JIPFest 2021 presents The Empathic Curator: Creating Transformative Experiences, a workshop with Yudhi Soerjoatmodjo, a producer, curator, and educator.

This workshop covers knowledge and skills in creating arts and culture programs, including photo exhibitions, with a focus on understanding the audience needs, and are oriented towards creating lasting and impactful experiences.

In addition to presenting materials related to the topic, Yudhi will share his field experience working on various programs. From these practical examples, participants will learn about work processes in various situations and locations, the challenges of dealing with various parties and interests, as well as cross-disciplinary negotiation and collaboration.

This workshop is conducted in bahasa Indonesia, with no English interpretations. If you wish to bring in an interpreter, please consult with our team via email on program@jipfest.com


  • Mapping specific audiences and stakeholders
  • Building context that resonates with audience interest and attention
  • Creating strategies to attract new audiences and enrich their experience
  • Designing “360 experiences” that encourage audience engagement and exploration
  • Cross-disciplinary collaboration-based work methods

Yudhi Soerjoatmodjo is a producer, curator, and educator with more than 25 years of experience leading galleries and museums, designing and managing arts and culture programs, and developing new audience groups. Since 2015, he has been a co-founder and director of Dapoer Dongeng Noesantara, a cultural, research, cross-disciplinary and cross-generational education consultant.

In this workshop, Yudhi will share his experiences in the following three projects:

  • Antara Gallery of Photojournalism (1994-1999): strategic innovation and integrated program management of exhibitions, photojournalistic workshops, collections, and membership system
  • 3D Video-Mapping & Mystery of Batavia (Kota Tua Jakarta, 2010-2011): a large-scale public art program that combines history, interactive media, and online interactions. This program attracts 65,000 visitors and 2.5 million online viewers
  • AkhirPekan@Museum Nasional (2013-2021): a program that manages to brings back families to museums, and boosts the number of visitors to the Indonesian National Museum on weekends up to 20% through innovative storytelling and “360 experiences”


  • Number of participants: 12 people, selected
  • Fee: IDR 390,000 (includes coffee break & certificate)
  • Terms and Conditions:
    1. Minimum 2 years of working experience in production, curatorial, management, or arts and culture policy
    2. Participants may come from various arts and culture sectors, including art and culture policy-making institutions (participants can also represent institutions)
    3. Have received 2 doses of Covid-19 vaccine
    4. Perform an antigen test with non-reactive results, no later than 24 hours before the workshop. Test results must be brought on the day of the workshop


  • Fill in the registration form by 22 October 2021.
  • Participants who pass the selection process will be asked to transfer the workshop fees to Bank Mandiri account 1660 0024 00117 in the name of the Panna Foundation. The transfer fee (if any) is borne by the participant.


  • Participant registration: 8-22 October 2021
  • Participant selection: 23-30 October 2021
  • Workshop fee payment: 3-4 November 2021
  • Workshop: Sunday, 21 November 2021, 10:00-18:00 at Novotel Jakarta Gajah Mada

Click here to sign up for the workshop. Contact Irene Barlian (0812-1207-9119; program@jipfest.com) for further info.