In the second edition of JIPFest, four photographers will be presenting their works in the Artist Talk program. The program allows audience to understand the concept and behind-the-scenes process of exhibited projects.  

All sessions are free and open to public for visitors who have received a minimum of one dose of Covid vaccine. The venue is limited to 75 seats, 50% of the maximum room capacity, and all visitors are required to pre-book their seats via

Ruang Imajinatif by Edial Rusli
Sunday, 14 November, 12:30-14:00

Edial Rusli has been working on Ruang Imajinatif (Imaginative Space) project since 2016. He took his inspiration from public spaces that have becoming increasingly chaotic and uncomfortable, mainly due to pressures from commercial activities. In this project, Edial imagines those public spaces as personal spaces that can be freely accessed and taken over. This is a work that both explores imagination and voices aspirations.

Edial Rusli
Rusli, a Doctor of Art Creation in Photography Program from the Indonesian Institute of the Arts (ISI) Yogyakarta, started his career as a professional photographer in 1990. He has participated in photo exhibitions in Yogyakarta, Osaka, New York, Manila and Kuala Lumpur. Rusli now works as a lecturer in photography school at ISI Yogyakarta.

Living Under the Volcanoes by Putu Sayoga
Saturday, 27 November, 12:30-14:00

Volcanic eruption is truly devastating, but the calamity also leads to the formation of fertile soils. In Living Under the Volcanoes, Putu Sayoga tells the story of the people betting their lives in between nature’s mercy and rage. From 2017 to 2019, he traveled to the islands of Bali, Java, Sumatra, and North Moluccas to document the communities living under the volcanoes.

Putu Sayoga
Sayoga, a Bali-based documentary photographer, regularly contributes to international publications, with clients including Le Monde, Monocle and The New York Times. His works have also been exhibited in several photo festivals, including the Chennai Photo Biennale 2019 and Insumatra Photo Festival 2019.

Pandemic Projects by Hafitz Maulana & Nyimas Laula
Sunday, 28 November, 12:30-14:00

Between April and May 2020, at the initial stage of Covid social restrictions in Indonesia, JIPFest initiated a social media campaign titled PSBB (Potret Saat Bumi Berhenti, which translates to Portraits from when the World Stopped). The campaign invited Indonesian photographers to share their pandemic-related photos and stories. In 45 Gravediggers, Hafitz Maulana documented gravediggers in Jakarta who worked day and night to bury Covid patients. Meanwhile, Nyimas Laula created Birthday Self-Portrait to commemorate her birthday at home. The series was later developed into a bigger project.

Hafitz Maulana
Hafitz explores human rights, climate crisis, and subculture issues. He has contributed to and Whiteboard Journal. His works have also been displayed in several photography events, including FORMAT Festival 2020 and Erratic Dream (2020) exhibition by PHmuseum. 

Nyimas Laula
Nyimas started his career as intern at Reuters. Her works have been published in several international publications, including Time, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal. Her ongoing project INSIDE has traveled to Photoville New York, Hong Kong Press Club and Jamii Esplanade in Toronto.