JIPFest Projection Night returns in 2021, this time at the historic area of Jakarta Old Town. The program will feature multiple exciting photography and multimedia works, created by Indonesian as well as international artists.
All sessions are free and open to visitors who have received a minimum of one dose of Covid vaccine. The venue is limited to 75 seats, 50% of the maximum room capacity, and all visitors are required to pre-book their seats via ticket.jipfest.com.

Thursday, 25 November, 18:30-20:30
- JIPFest Curatorial Team: Space: Selected Works
- PHmuseum: Shortlisted Projects of PHmuseum 2021 Photography Grant
- Rony Zakaria: Pantura
- Rosa Panggabean: Cause/Effect
- Hong Kong International Photo Festival: Cubicle by Chan Hau Chun; Another Day in Paradise by Jimmy Lee; Megalopolis Nebula Post 2019 by Ike Cheung
- Anais Lopez: The Migrant: A Bird on the Run

Friday, 26 November, 18:30-20:30
- Beawiharta & Roe: JIPFest Urban Photo Tour
- Light Snatcher Festival: Mobile Photography & Videography
- Padepokan Seni Bagong Kussudiardja: Bersinar Siar
- SkolMus: Penjaga Bintang; Tradisi & Sejarah Keluarga
- Bandung Photography Triennale: Welcome to the Machine
- Lightbox Photo Library: Raw Soul by Yehlin Lee; On the Contrary by Jiao Huang

Saturday, 27 November, 18:30-20:30
- Solo Photo Festival: Curated Works
- Komunitas Indonesia Wildlife Photography – Jakarta: Space for Birds in Jakarta
- Muhammad Fadli & Fatris MF: Song from Another Land
- PannaFoto Institute: Selected Works of Permata Photojournalist Grant 2011-2020 by Jenny Smets
- Heterogenic: Journey: Selected Works
- Women Photograph: 2020 & 2021 Cohorts of Women Photograph Grantees
- JIPFest: PSBB (Potret Saat Bumi Berhenti)