JIPFest introduces the curatorial team for its third edition: Asep Topan, Ayos Purwoaji, and Ng Swan Ti. The three of them are active in different communities, and are hoped to possess the ability to enrich the dialogue within this year’s festival theme, REVIVAL. 

Asep has built a career in the visual art scene as an educator and curator, while Ayos has a background as an architectural researcher and is now a professional writer and curator with interests in history, architecture, and visual art. Meanwhile, Swan Ti is a senior figure known for her contribution to photography education in Indonesia.

The three of them will lead the photo exhibition program in JIPFest 2022, starting from open call to the public opening of the exhibition on 9 September 2022. Read on for short biography of the curators:

Asep Topan
Asep Topan is an independent curator and lecturer at the Jakarta Institute of Arts. Between 2013-2022, he has curated 20 art projects and exhibitions in Indonesia and overseas. During that period, he worked as the curator of Museum MACAN (2018-21) and the Vice Director of Jakarta Biennale 2017. Asep holds an MA in Curatorship from the Bandung Institute of Technology and has attended the de Appel Curatorial Programme in Amsterdam, 2015-16. 

Ayos Purwoaji
Ayos is a writer and curator in history, architecture, and visual art. Since 2015, he has worked on a few exhibitions and curatorial projects, including Flux de Mémoire/Arus Memori (2020) and Jogja Biennale XVI (2021). He is one of the founders of Surabaya Contemporary Heritage Council (SCHC) and is part of Kelompok Kurator Kampung (The Village Curators’ Collective). He teaches cultural studies in Ciputra University, Surabaya. ayospurwoaji.wordpress.com

Ng Swan Ti
Swan Ti, Managing Director of PannaFoto Institute, started her career as a photographer in 2000. Recently, she has been involved in various photography initiatives as co-curator Vision 20/20: Community exhibition (Jakopič Gallery, 2020), Erratic Dream (PhMuseum, 2021), Tracing Inherited History (Hong Kong International Photo Festival, 2021) and one of the mentors for Women Photograph Mentorship Class (2022). pannafoto.org