David Campbell delivering a Public Lacture at JIPFest 2022.

JIPFest 2023 features five Lectures; all sessions take place on weekends at Bulungan Theater. To ensure the sustainability of the festival, this year JIPFest charges a Talk Show Pass for all shows at the Theater.


Stories that Matter – 30 Years of Independent Photography Projects with(out) the Media
By Bas Vroege

Bas Vroege founded Paradox in 1993. The aim of the non-profit photography organization: developing independent, research-based narratives for small and large audiences while guaranteeing a nuanced approach of the often-complex social issues addressed. How to do this in an image saturated world? The answer: building teams of innovative photographers/filmmakers, 2D/3D and interactive designers, journalists/writers. But also: developing simultaneously for more than one platform at a time: linking exhibitions with interactive, online productions as well as books, films and educational programs. The lecture will feature some of the 65 projects that toured to almost 300 cities worldwide, covering issues such as migration, climate change, conflict, sustainability, radicalization and identity.

Bas Vroege
Bas Vroege is the director of Paradox, a not-for-profit production house for multiplatform documentary photography. He previously served as the director for Perspektief (1985-92) in Rotterdam and Fotografie Biennale Rotterdam (1988-92). Besides his curatorial practice, he works as a lecturer in editorial and curatorial practice at the Leiden University. paradox.nl

This session will be conducted in English. Click here to book your Talk Show Pass.


The Critical Decade: Transformations in Photography from 2010 to 2020
By Brendan Embser

The launch of Instagram in 2010 led to the one of the most dramatic transformations in visual culture. Around the world, everyday users share pictures instantly, artists promote their work to wide audiences, and photojournalists communicate breaking news in real time. But what happens to art photography when everyone is a photographer? In this lecture, Brendan Embser, Aperture magazine’s senior editor, discusses how lens-based artists have pursued bold new visions—and reshaped perceptions of identity and community—throughout a decade of profound change in photography.

Brendan Embser
Brendan is the senior editor of Aperture magazine. He has served on the jury for the Addis Foto Fest, Ethiopia; Changjiang International Photography and Video Art Biennale, Chongqing; Sony World Photography Awards, London; and WMA Masters, Hong Kong; and he has participated in portfolio reviews with the New York Times and the Bronx Documentary Center. @brendanembser

This session will be conducted in English. Click here to book your Talk Show Pass.


How To Be Inspired in Your Own Yard
By Tadas Kazakevičius

There are many interesting stories and important issues around us. However, too often than not, they are overlooked due to our sense of familiarity with our surroundings. Tadas, a Lithuanian photographer who has won various awards through projects on his homeland, will share his experiences, as well as tips to have a more sensitive radar and a fresher perspective in seeing our own yard.

Tadas Kazakevičius
Tadas, a Lithuanian born documentary photographer, puts individuals and their stories as the principal subject of his photography. His series ‘Soon to be Gone’ (2014 – 2018) and ‘Between Two Shores’ (2018 – 2019) recognized in numerous awards, including the World Press Photo, Leica Oskar Barnack, and LensCulture Exposure awards. His work has been exhibited in many locations, including Germany, France, China, United States, United Kingdom, Switzerland, South Korea, and Taiwan. tadaskazakevicius.com

This session will be conducted in English. Click here to book your Talk Show Pass.


Creating Impactful Story 
By Kimberly dela Cruz

As a medium, photography can play an instrumental role in exposing the truth and combating misinformation. And this medium can now be utilized by many people, as many of us already have camera in our mobile phones. Kimberly dela Cruz, a Manila-based independent photographer, will share stories and inspiration on how to use photography to document stories that matter, to make an impact to the public, and to speak truth to power. 

Kimberly dela Cruz
Kimberly, a Manila-based independent photographer, began her career as a photo correspondent for the Philippine Daily Inquirer in 2013 before transitioning to documentary photography and working for different publications. Her project Death of a Nation chronicling the crime scenes in Manila and the lives of the families affected by the killings was awarded the W. Eugene Smith Memorial Fund for Humanistic Photography in 2021 and won the World Press Photo Long Term Projects category in South East Asia and Oceania in 2023. kimberlydelacruz.com

This session will be conducted in English. Click here to book your Talk Show Pass.


A Reflection: 50 Years of Federation of Photographic Society of Indonesia
By Johnny Hendarta

The Federation of Photographic Society of Indonesia (FPSI) has gone through two important eras in the photography world: analog and digital. These two eras have deeply shaped the development of FPSI in Indonesia and overseas.

Johnny Hendarta
Johnny, a wedding and commercial photographer, serves as the President of the Federation of Photographic Society of Indonesia (FPSI) 2021-2024. He actively teaches photography. Johnny has been a Guest Lecturer at ISI Yogyakarta Photography Department since 1994, and has led Nikon School Indonesia since 2008. @johnnyhendarta

This session will be conducted in Bahasa Indonesia. Click here to book your Talk Show Pass.

For more information, please reach us at program@jipfest.com or +62 877-7155-0231 (Tasya). JIPFest is scheduled for 8-24 September 2023 in Blok M, Jakarta. The festival is supported by the Indonesian Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry; Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Department; Erasmus Huis; and Kurawal Foundation.