JIPFest presents Photo Book Dummy Awards, a new program launched in conjunction with the festival’s fourth edition. Photo book and zine creators are invited to participate through open call. During the registration period, one of our Community Partners, SOKONG! Publish, held a discussion on photo book dummies and hosted an open table for dummy consultation. 

We have received 48 photo book and zine dummies, selected by a panel of judges Howard Brawijaya (Director of Harapan Prima Printing), Kurniadi Widodo (Educator & Photographer), and Ng Swan Ti (Managing Director of PannaFoto Institute). They have selected 17 photo book and zine dummies as finalists. The assessment is made based on concept, visual approach, layout/design, and the combination of these elements embodied in a photo book or zine dummy.

The works of the finalists will be displayed in an exhibition at Mal Blok M on 8-24 September 2023. One dummy will be selected as the winner, and announced at the festival’s Opening Ceremony on 8 September 2023. Throughout the exhibition period, visitors can vote for their favorite dummies. The favorite dummy with the highest number of voters will be announced at the festival’s Closing Ceremony on 24 September 2023.

The following is a list of the photo book and zine dummies selected as finalists. Congratulations to the authors!

  • GANDONG potong di kuku, rasa di daging – Agustinus Edo Saputra
  • Bumi Tunggu Tubang – Ahmad Rizki Prabu
  • Behind The Scene – Ayughia (ghio)
  • Sentinel – Baskara Puraga
  • SPHERE – Chandra Mirtamiharja
  • SELA – Christopher Junior
  • Dampit Retrospective – 100 Years of Legacy – Arief Priyono & Yoppy Pieter
  • Sunday – Didik Sulaiman
  • VANASABHA – Edi Purwanto
  • Wangi Pagi Tanjungpinang – Ersya Ruswandono
  • Dialektika – Flora Rikin
  • FASE – KongsiKliwonan
  • Buku Kegiatan Ramadhan – M. Nadya Haramain Akbar
  • The Eternal Call: A Wholeness of Holiness – Petrikor Books
  • Lensa Anak Terminal Volume II – Setyo Manggala Utama
  • Meander – Stella Sadikin
  • Sebelum Semua Pucat Pasi – Vandy Rizaldi

This year, JIPFest will be one of the stops for Kassel Dummy Awards 2023 showcase. Below the 50 titles that you can read while visiting the exhibition:

  1. 100 days of war – Igor Chekachkov, Ukraine
  2. 80°05´ – Kouta Takahashi, Japan
  3. A Wilderness – Russ Thompson, USA
  4. Ambra – Carla Rossi, Switzerland
  5. Blaue Flecken – Patrick Slesiona, Germany
  6. Blicke auf Hannelore – Theresa Roth, Germany
  7. BULLET – Marco Marzocchi, Italy
  8. Casulo – Breno Rotatori, Brazil
  9. Definition von Glück – Magnus Terhorst, Germany
  10. Dismemorare – Luca D’Agostino, Italy
  11. En Búsqueda De Ausencias – Polo Farrera, Mexico
  12. FAMUSA – Daniel Martinez, Spain
  13. Felis Silvestris Catus – Fleur Huijsdens, Netherlands
  14. Flowers 2020-2022 – Stas Ginzburg, USA
  15. HUN – Julia Mejnertsen, Denmark
  16. I was looking for the sun, but it was hiding – Yorgos Kapsalakis, Greece
  17. I´ll bet the devil my head – Carlos Alba, Spain
  18. Ignari Totius Corporis – Giorgio Barbetta, Italy
  19. Imagem Foto – Corpo e Lugar – Lucília Monteiro, Portugal
  20. Incorrect Theory – Luigi Cecconi, Italy
  21. Kakusei – Kyokin Nakamura, Japan
  22. Loss – Katerina Motylova, Ukraine
  23. Mistake or Miracle – Jana Nowack & Dayna Grosz, Germany
  24. Monolith – Amin Omnar, Germany
  25. On love, violence and the lack of it – Ann Massal, France
  26. One Shower a Week – Mariet Dingemans, Netherlands
  27. Photography Firmly Enters the Everyday – Anna Pylypyuk & Volodymyr Shypotilnykov, Ukraine
  28. Pictures in my hand of a boy I still resemble – Srinivas Kuruganti, India
  29. Raven – Constantin Grolig, Germany
  30. Seele braucht Heimat – Lukas Zander, Germany
  31. Some – Jansen van Staden, South Africa
  32. Stay safe out there – Chantal Seitz, Germany
  33. Sugarbread – Calvin Hein, Germany
  34. tentativas operatórias no tratamento de certas psicoses – Bruno Claro, Brazil/Portugal
  35. Thank you. I prefer lions – Christina Werner, Austria
  36. The name we hold – Luca Iovino, Italy
  37. The Sumida River Almanac – Kazuya Urakawa, Japan
  38. The Wall – Véronique Besnard, France
  39. The Weight of the World – Piero Martinello & Piero Casentini, Italy
  40. The Yoshida Dormitory – Old Darkroom – Kanta Nomura, Japan
  41. Today is my new favourite day – Jennifer Drabbe, Netherlands
  42. Tropical Trauma Misery Tour – Rafael Roncato, Netherlands/Brazil
  43. UFO_Deutschland – Enka Springub, Germany
  44. Un groupe de vers obscènes me fit hésiter – Laurent Fiorentino, Switzerland
  45. Vergissmeinnicht – Amelie Sachs, Germany
  46. Während wir schlafen, ziehen die Wölfe um die Häuser – Maya Vieth, Germany
  47. What will be different tomorrow? – Steven Natusch, Germany
  48. Your Death is in my Hands – Alexandra Iulia Corcode, Romania
  49. Your free trail has come to an end – Elaine Meisner, Germany
  50. Yunan – Nicola Zolin, Italy