Do you want to see great photo works? Or meet your favorite photographers and learn from them? Or buy photo books and photo prints for home decoration? The fourth edition of JIPFest has it all.

JIPFest: Generation will run from 8-24 September 2023 in Blok M, South Jakarta. The event is held across seven venues: M Bloc Space, Bulungan Theatre, Kala di Kalijaga, Kala Karya, Lamandau House, Lokaholik, and Mal Blok M.

For 17 days, the festival will feature 16 programs and 72 events. More than 100 guest stars from Indonesia and overseas will lead different programs, including Kimberly dela Cruz (Philippines), Gaia Squarci (Italy), Brendan Embser (US), Tadas Kazakevičius (Lithuania), AikBeng Chia (Singapore), Gerald van der Kaap (Netherlands), Hajime Kimura (Japan), Ranita Roy (India), Pierre-Jérôme Jehel (France), Erik Prasetya, Davy Linggar, Boy T Harjanto, Firman Ichsan, Jessica Candradi, and Johnny Hendarta.

If you’re interested to visit, below is the full events schedule at JIPFest 2023. In order to ensure the sustainability of the festival, JIPFest applies tickets for almost all events. Book your tickets here.

  • For exhibitions, Daily Tickets are available for IDR 25,000 to access all locations for one day. Alternatively, you can book Festival Pass to get access throughout the festival (17 days) for IDR 75,000.
  • You can also purchase one-day Talk Show Pass for IDR 30,000, which enables you to access exhibitions and fairs besides the talk shows. Book your tickets here.


8 Sep, 10:30-12:00 | M Bloc Space-Creative Hall
*This event is open to journalists and photo community members. Please contact or Nina (+62812 9323 5206) for press inquiries.


8 Sep, 14:30-16:00 | M Bloc Space-Live House
*This is an invitation-only event.


8 & 22 Sep | Lokaholik
Meet & Greet is designed as a forum for photographers to meet and network over dinner. To book the tickets, click on your preferred schedule: 8 September, 22 September


8-20 Sep | M Bloc Space-Creative Hall
This event is accessible with a valid Daily Pass, Festival Pass, or Talk Show Pass. Click here to book your tickets.

In addition to marketing photo prints and photo books, Indonesia Photo Fair will present a curated store called Gather& by Kokken+, a Jakarta-based creative community platform.

Participants: Alejandra Orjuela, Andang Iskandar, Andika Budiman, Andy Dewantoro, Anton Ismael, Aparna Nori, Arjan Onderdenwijngaard, Asep Saepuloh, Askar Moniaga, Atet Dwi Pramadia, Beawiharta, Christina H. Phan, Davy Linggar, Dhika Prabowo, Dimas Sugih Cahaya, Dominicus Adiputra Wiweko, Edwin Djuanda, Erik Prasetya, Erly Bahsan, Felisa Tan, Gandang Asadillah Mansur, Gathot Subroto, Gueari Galeri, Hafitz Maulana, Hendra Eka, Hermandari Kartowisastro, Indrawan Haryanto, Ivan Saputra Alam, Jessica Soekidi, Jordan, Jordan Édition, Josua Alessandro, Klaus Dengen, Kurnia Ngayuga Wibowo, Kurniadi Widodo, Terminal Children’s Lens, Martin Westlake, Meidiana Tahir, PannaPhoto Institute, Prawira Bhaktinagara, Rangga Yudhistira, Rapha Lisa, RAWS Syndicate, Red & White Publishing, Rejeky Kene, Ryan Andrew, Setyo Manggala Utama, SOKONG!, Stepan Chubaev, Unobtainium, Vicky Tanzil, Willma Sitti Patimah, Wimo Ambala Bayang, Yoppy Pieter


8-24 Sep | Mal Blok M
This event is accessible with a valid Daily Pass, Festival Pass, or Talk Show Pass. Click here to book your tickets.

Participants: Adrianus Mulya (Indonesia), Aleksandra Szajnecka (Poland), Dhanny ‘danot’ Sanjaya (Indonesia), Eliza Bordeaux (Netherlands), Erik Prasetya (Indonesia), Florian Braakman (Netherlands), Gaia Squarci (Italy), Gerald van der Kaap & Aukje Dekker (Netherlands), Gevi Noviyanti (Indonesia), Glorianna Ximendaz (Costa Rica), Hajime Kimura (Japan), Luiz Bicalho (United States), Muhammad Zaenuddin (Indonesia), Nael Quraishi (England), Olgaç Bozalp (Turkey ), Peter Pflügler (Austria), Ranita Roy (India), Ryan Andrew (Indonesia), Shindy Lestari (Indonesia), Vandy Rizaldi (Indonesia), Victoria Chaushyan (Russia), Will Boase (England), Yara Jimmink (Netherlands), Zahara Gómez (Argentina).


8-24 Sep | Mal Blok M
Participants: JIPFest Photo Book Dummy Award 2023 Finalists and Kassel Dummy Award 2023. This event is accessible with a valid Daily Pass, Festival Pass, or Talk Show Pass. Click here to book your tickets.


To book the tickets, click on your preferred mentor:
Sabtu, 9 Sep, Gathot Subroto
Minggu, 10 Sep, Sigit ‘Zero’ Handoko
Sabtu, 16 Sep, AikBeng Chia
Minggu, 17 Sep, Deby Sucha


To book the tickets, click on your preferred schedule:

Guide: Ade Putri Paramadita
Sabtu, 9 Sep
Minggu, 10 Sep

Guide: Jakarta Good Guide
Sabtu, 16 Sep
Minggu, 17 Sep
Sabtu, 23 Sep
Minggu, 24 Sep


This year, Fringe shared the location of Indonesia Photo Fair, M Bloc Space-Creative Hall, which is accessible with a valid Daily Pass, Festival Pass, or Talk Show Pass.

Tuesday, 12 Sep
Click here to book your Daily Pass

14:30-16:00 Untold Studio + Terra Sharing
16:30-18:00 Arief Priyono
18:30-20:00 YKAN

Wednesday, 13 Sep
Click here to book your Daily Pass

14:30-16:00 Heterogenic
16:30-18:00 Saeffie Adjie Badas
18:30-20:00 Raws Syndicate

Tuesday, 19 Sep
Click here to book your Daily Pass

13:00-14:00 Jessica Candradi
14:30-16:00 IPPA
16:30-18:00 Permata Photojournalist Grant
18:30-20:00 Universitas Multimedia Nusantara

Wednesday, 20 Sep
Click here to book your Daily Pass

14:30-16:00 Kurawal Foundation
16:30-18:00 Women Photograph Indonesia
18:30-20:00 Bersoreria


Youth Voices: Democracy Today

Photo Exhibition: 8-24 Sep, Weekdays: 10:00-18:00, Weekend: 07:00-22:00
Exhibition Tour: 9, 16, 23 Sep, 10.30-12.00
Venue: Kala di Kalijaga, Kala Karya

Click here to book your tickets. 


Curating, Producing, & Designing Photography Exhibitions Today
By Bas Vroege
11-13 Sep | Kala di Kalijaga
Click here to participate

Publishing Photography—Print & Online
By Brendan Embser
14-15 Sep | Kala di Kalijaga
Click here to participate

Analog Photography—Hunting & Processing
By Tadas Kazakevičius
18-19 Sep | Kala di Kalijaga & Nurum
Click here to participate

Making Impactful Long-Term Projects
By Kimberly dela Cruz
19 Sep | Kala di Kalijaga
Click here to participate

Writing Grants
By Sana Ullah
20 Sep | Kala di Kalijaga
Click here to participate

Building a Source of Inspiration
By Hajime Kimura
22 Sep | Kala di Kalijaga
Click here to participate

Photography for Kids
By Idealita Ismanto
23 Sep | Kala di Kalijaga
Click here to participate


21-22 Sep | Lamandau House & Kala di Kalijaga
Reviewer: Davy Linggar, Sana Ullah.


Saturday, 9 Sep
Click here to book your Talk Show Pass

13:00-14:30 Artist Talk: Adrian Mulya, Peter Pflügler, Yara Jimmink
15:00-16:30 Discussion: Asep Topan, Ng Swan Ti, Rizqi Qadarsyah
17:00-18:30 Public Lecture: Bas Vroege
19:00-20:00 Projection Night: PhMuseum, Boy T. Harjanto, World Press Photo, Aan Mansyur, JIPFest curators, Pagebluk di Akar Rumput

Sunday, 10 Sep
Click here to book your Talk Show Pass

13:00-14:30 Artist Talk: Boy T. Harjanto
15:00-16:30 Discussion: Evelyn Halim, Windi Salomo, Andy Dewantoro, Dian Ina Mahendra
17:00-18:30 Public Lecture: Brendan Embser

Saturday, 16 Sep
Click here to book your Talk Show Pass

13:00-14:30 Artist Talk: Shindy Lestari, Gerald Van Der Kaap, Ranita Roy
15:00-16:30 Discussion: Erik Prasetya, Evi Mariani, Virliya Putricantika, Joan Aurelia Rumengan
17:00-18:30 Public Lecture: Tadas Kazakevičius
19:00-20:00 Projection Night: Gathot Subroto, Sigit ‘Zero’ Handoko, Karen Fromm, Gaia Squarci, YKAN, Pierre-Jerome Jehel, Matanesia

Sunday, 17 Sep
Click here to book your Talk Show Pass

13:00-14:30 Artist Talk: Gaia Squarci
15:00-16:30 Discussion: Jordan Marzuki, Andi Ari Setiadi, Aditya Pratama, Tasya Bintang
17:00-18:30 Public Lecture: Kimberly dela Cruz

Saturday, 23 Sep
Click here to book your Talk Show Pass

13:00-14:30 Artist Talk: Florian Braakman, Gevi Noviyanti, Muhammad Zaenuddin
15:00-16:30 Discussion: Alfian Romli, Deti Permatasari, Dini Putri Rahmayanti, Vickram Sombu, Charlene Kayla Roeslie
17:00-18:30 Public Lecture: Johnny Hendarta
19:00-20:00 Projection Night: AikBeng Chia, Deby Sucha, POY Asia, Republik Foto, Andreas Wahyu, Melihat Bersama, Idealita Ismanto

Sunday, 24 Sep
Click here to book your Talk Show Pass

13:00-14:30 Artist Talk: Hajime Kimura
15:00-16:30 Discussion: Mamuk Ismuntoro, Nurulita Adriani Rahayu, Alfons Tanujaya, Peksi Cahyo


24 Sep, 17:00-18:30 | Teater Bulungan
*This is an invitation-only event.

JIPFest takes place from 8-24 September 2023 in Blok M, Jakarta. This festival is supported by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia, the DKI Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Agency, Erasmus Huis, and the Kurawal Foundation.