JIPFest curatorial team, while working remotely between Bangladesh (Asif), Yogyakarta (Wid) and Jakarta (Swan Ti), has selected 14 photography and multimedia works from 12 countries to be exhibited at the festival from 13-28 November 2021. All works are selected from the open call submission, which ran from 17 January-29 January 2020 and amassed 398 entries from 47 countries.

The selected works, through a variety of working methods and artistic approaches, offer a rich and nuanced understanding of SPACE, which is as diverse as the stories they tell and the lands they hail from. Ranging from space as troubled historical sites, to the rapidly changing environment, to places of work and play, these works showcase the ways photography are used to reflect the world we live in today.

Sayed Asif Mahmud, curator, said: “We were overwhelmed by the quality of submissions we received, and it was never easy to make a shortlist. We have agreed on some works where we found the openness, compassion, and deep connection of the artists with the works. In this crazy situation, it is a pleasure to announce this exciting list of artists.”

Ng Swan Ti, curator, explained: β€œThe selection process was done in a few steps, looking into visual strength, content and relevance with intended audience. We discussed and debated on a few online meetings to agree on the final choices among hundreds of applicants that we received. Each curator provided arguments to their choices. Finally, we agreed on these 14 works to describe SPACE from different perspectives – be it personal, public, tangible and intangible – created by visual storytellers from different countries including Indonesia.”

The selected works will be exhibited at various locations in and around Kota Tua, Jakarta. Detailed info regarding schedule and venues will be updated closer to the festival date. Please find below, in alphabetical order, the list of photographers/artists selected through the open call process:

  1. Chris Bunjamin, Indonesia
  2. Hiro Tanaka, Japan
  3. Jack Lewis, England
  4. Joel Jimenez, Costa Rica
  5. Marco Garro, Peru
  6. Maria Lax, Finland
  7. Pranabesh Das, Bangladesh
  8. Putu Sayoga, Indonesia
  9. Roger Grasas, Spain
  10. Rita Khin, Myanmar
  11. Selim Korycki, Poland
  12. Sina Niemeyer, Germany
  13. Tripty Tamang Pakhrin, Nepal
  14. Walid Saddam, Bangladesh